Chermoula-roasted halibut

13 October 2010
Thumbnail image for Chermoula-roasted halibut

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. Two fish, three fish, blue fish, green fish. Green fish? Oh me! Oh my! One of them is not like the others, But don’t ask us why. Go ask your mothers. I love Dr. Seuss, even if I can’t do parody. Sigh.


Photos only Fridays – Tartelette à la moutarde

8 October 2010
Thumbnail image for Photos only Fridays – Tartelette à la moutarde

Une petite tartelette à la moutarde, recipe courtesy of Dorie Greenspan’s Around My French Table, made by MF courtesy of  participation in French Fridays with Dorie.  A savory tart (think quiche) with carrots, leeks, rosemary, and mustard mixed into the custard base, all that needs to be said about this is that it was spectacular!  Bon […]


Orecchiette with roasted pearl onions, sausage + fennel

6 October 2010
Thumbnail image for Orecchiette with roasted pearl onions, sausage + fennel

I can’t possibly be the only person who, upon arriving home at ten or eleven at night, decides that now is the perfect time to cook.  Regardless of how long or arduous of a day it’s been, it is nice to move around a bit at night, and it’s particularly nice when that moving is […]



1 October 2010
Thumbnail image for Gougères!

I’m participating in a group activity!  Oh this is so exciting!  Seven hundred of my soon-to-be favorite cooking/interwebbing buddies (I hope!) and I are cooking our way through Dorie Greenspan’s fabulous new cookbook, Around My French Table. For our first effort, we’re welcoming each other to our hundreds of respective tables with that most classic […]


Some things I made

30 September 2010
Thumbnail image for Some things I made

No recipes today, I’m afraid, but I’ve had some photos languishing for a bit that I wanted to share with you.  (Above, olive oil crackers.) radish, lima bean, quinoa salad pistachio shortbread Bon appétit!


Turnip green tart with a ham hock

28 September 2010
Thumbnail image for Turnip green tart with a ham hock

Though I am a full-blooded American, with both sides of my family in this country before it even was a country, there are some words I learned in French before I knew their English counterparts existed.  Most of them have to do with food.  Bay leaves to me will always be laurier.  ‘Bay’ means tons […]


Ottolenghi’s okra with tomato + preserved lemon

20 September 2010
Thumbnail image for Ottolenghi’s okra with tomato + preserved lemon

Okra!  What a funny-sounding word!  Those vowels on the outside making it sound all croaky.  And the two oddball consonants stuck together in the middle.  It seems to take up more time and space to say than four measly letters would suggest, insisting that you pay the poor, dejected thing a little bit of notice […]


Smoky roasted chicken

16 September 2010
Thumbnail image for Smoky roasted chicken

Oh dear.  That isn’t what I expected.  Those Robiola-stuffed tomatoes from The New York Times, I mean.  My food didn’t look like theirs, and I really really hope that it didn’t taste like theirs.  Following recipes is not my favorite thing to do, nor is it anything I do with particular frequency or flair.  But […]


Summer’s over

9 September 2010
Thumbnail image for Summer’s over

And this blog is not forgotten.  It’s just taken a little rest.  September can be hard!  I hate summer often, but its end can be so sad.  The tomatoes, the eggplant, all that zucchini, and especially those times for lingering over coffee, only partially drunk because it will soon be time for lunch, those times […]


Fricassée of rabbit with bacon + summer vegetables

30 August 2010
Thumbnail image for Fricassée of rabbit with bacon + summer vegetables

This is not my greatest photo or presentation of a plate.  The time and place and taste were more important anyway, and I don’t think we ate before 10 o’clock that night, after much aperitif-ing, giggling, and the like.  So can we please move on? It may be one of the best meals I’ve ever […]

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