I like you

1 March 2010

If you’re visiting my site and I don’t know you, then let me tell you: I like you. Thank you so much for visiting! If you’re visiting my site and I do know you, then you probably do not need me to tell you that I like you. But I can still thank you so much for visiting!

You—whoever you are—may or may not believe that. Words aren’t always the most convincing. But food is, especially the amuse-gueule. It is nutritionally worthless, unfilling, and often time intensive. One could translate literally and say that it exists to amuse the gullet. One could translate a little more broadly and say that it exists to amuse the palate. Or we can understand these things for what they are. The amuse-gueule exists to say, ‘I like you.’ Thank you so much for visiting.

Dates + almonds

dates, 2-3 per person, preferably Medjool  |  parmesan, a small hunk  |  almonds, toasted or not, cut into or bought as shards  |  extra virgin olive oil, highest quality you’re willing to buy  |  sea salt, preferably fleur de sel

Heat the oven to some lowish temperature. Anything below 400 is fine.

Pit the dates by slitting lengthwise on one side and pushing them open with your fingers. Grate some parmesan, and sprinkle the smallest bit into each date. The point is not to make a cheesy date but rather to increase the yum factor, or, more eloquently, umami. Stuff the almond shards into the dates. You want them to almost be able to close.

Let these heat in the oven for a good 5 minutes, and then let them cool for a few more. Garnish with drops of olive oil and a small sprinkling of sea salt.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Jo Ann Cope Powell March 20, 2010 at 04:27

Oh, my God, this sounds good!


me March 22, 2010 at 09:41

:) Thank you, Jo Ann!! (I think they’re pretty good…)

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