Potato salad with grainy mustard

17 August 2010

MF has moved house!

Sigh.  Not really, but I have put my entire life in boxes, and am two weeks away from seeing them again.  Why is moving always so traumatic?  Even if you know exactly where you will wind up on the other end, and even if you’re excited about the move (I was!  Or am!  Or whatever!), oh, it’s just awful.  So I leave you with a potato salad that is quick and incorporates most all of any normal human being’s favorite and most comforting things: loads of starch, smoked pork products, and–though I think the first two are near universal, this last one may be specific to me–my all-time favorite super grainy mustard.  There’s little else in it, sort of like my current dwelling.

More soon!  xx

Potato salad with grainy mustard

1 lb new potatoes  |  4 slices bacon (I like applewood smoked)  |  1 red onion, cut in half through the root and sliced thinly  |  salt + pepper  |  ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil  |  2 tbsp grainy mustard  |  2 tsp sherry vinegar  |  ¼ cup parsley, chopped-ish, or more

Steam the potatoes.  Timing will depend upon size, but figure something in the neighborhood of 20 minutes.  Test by poking at them with whatever kitchen utensil you will use eat them.  When you can put a fork in them, they’re done.  Then leave to cool.

Meanwhile, in a small sauté pan, brown the bacon to your liking, turning from time to time.  When done, set on paper towels to dry.  Pour off the fat (not down the drain!), wipe out the pan if you like, add a bit of olive oil (or just use some of the bacon fat), and sauté the onion to your liking, seasoning with salt + pepper early in cooking.  I like them well wilted but still colorful and a tiny bit crunchy, say 7 minutes.  When they’re finished, turn off the heat and leave them to cool.

In a big bowl, add the olive oil, mustard, sherry vinegar, and whisk.  Taste.  Add salt or pepper if you think that would be a good idea.  Cut the potatoes into quarters.  (It’s a plus if they’re still a little warm when you do this.)  Then add them to the dressing bowl and mix well.  Crumble in the bacon, scrape in the onions, and add as much parsley as you would like.  Taste and adjust seasoning to your liking.  Eat only this for several days of lunches.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Lexi August 19, 2010 at 11:40

confession: I found myself at Kalustyan’s yesterday, and sitting on the shelf was a pot of the mustard you mentioned above. I could not resist buying it. As if I needed another expensive food-related habit…


me August 19, 2010 at 15:12

I know, Lexi, I know. But it will last you forever! And it is *so* good!! The little pot it comes in is totally gorgeous, too, and I’m all for attractive kitchen items. :)

Charles August 23, 2010 at 19:04

I think I will prepare this dish very soon. What’s your position on the anchovy issue?


me August 23, 2010 at 19:11

I love anchovies! And if you want to use them here, I think that would be excellent! Potatoes take so well to so many flavors. Perhaps you could heat up the oil a bit in a pan, put in the anchovies so that they dissolve slightly, and then make the dressing with the warm oil. If you’re using anchovies, though, I’d consider taking out the bacon, as they both (to me, at least) fall into that very salty umami-type category. And having both might be a little much. I’d love to hear how it goes!

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