Figs + basil

29 July 2010

My parents had a fig tree at their house when my sister and I were growing up.  My sister was too small at that time, but my girlfriends and I would run around the yard in summer and after school.  The lower branches from the magnolia trees had been cut down because my mother was afraid that children might try to climb them and then fall.  Fig trees have very slender branches, though, and I suppose my mother thought that no child would be dumb enough to try to climb up one of those.  My mother overestimated me.

As the runt of my clan, I got elected to climb the fig tree, probably in the form of a shove.  But I’d wanted to do it anyway, and besides, it was my house we were playing in.  I got pretty far up the fig tree before a branch snapped and I fell.  Another of the branches caught a clump of my hair on the way down.  This is my childhood memory of figs.  It’s not so fond.

My parents’ fig tree never had figs, because of the squirrels most likely, or perhaps it was us children.  Now the fig tree’s gone, and though I have no great love for fig trees and their fragile boughs, their fruits, if you can get to them before the critters do, are lovely.  This salad is dedicated to the fruitful (and strong) fig tree that resides only in my mind.  It is a wonderful mixture of flavors: The mustard adds a punch; the pomegranate molasses (often available in grocery stores like Whole Foods, and certainly available in Middle Eastern markets) adds both sweet and sour elements to the dish.  Figs + goat’s cheese are a classic combination, and the addition of the piquant arugula and basil makes this salad oh-so-much more interesting than any other preparation of figs I’ve had.  (And I have, for the record, had many.)

As with several recent recipes on this site, this preparation comes from the London-based crew Ottolenghi.  As a rule I disapprove of recipes, and think that they should really only be used as rough guides.  But of course, all rules are made to be broken, and this one is, like their others, wonderful.

Figs + basil

Adapted from The Guardian

1 shallot, finely minced  |  .5 tsp Dijon mustard  |  2 tsp pomegranate molasses  |  big flaky sea salt (like Maldon) + freshly ground black pepper  |  3 tbsp olive oil  |  1 big handful arugula (40 g)  |  1 small bunch basil leaves, opal, green, or a mixture (20 g)  |  8 figs  |  fresh goat’s cheese to taste (if measuring, about 50 g, or ¼ of a normal-sized wheel at the grocery store)

Make the dressing: Whisk the shallot, mustard, pomegranate molasses, sea salt + pepper, and olive oil in the bottom of a big bowl.  Add the arugula and basil leaves to the bowl and toss.  Set the dressed greens out on a big platter.  Then slice the figs lengthwise into quarters.  Put them on top of the greens, and crumble the goat’s cheese over everything.  Garnish with a little more olive oil or flaky sea salt, if you like.

Serves 4

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Lexi July 29, 2010 at 12:24

A dijon pomegranate dressing! I would not have thought of that combination. Luckily I have just restocked on both of those items. I am envisioning this dressing over some grilled veggies, and starting to get very hungry…


me August 6, 2010 at 12:34

Love the idea of putting this on other things! I bet it would be lovely on grilled zucchini or summer squash.

Anna July 30, 2010 at 11:50

Can’t wait to try this! Our fig tree is producing delicious succulent fruit which we enjoyed last evening. This looks like a wonderful dressing.


me August 6, 2010 at 12:34

Why thank you! The dressing is definitely surprising with its mustard/pomegranate molasses combination! And, oh, I am so jealous of your squirrel-less fig tree!!

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